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  1. Robin Ann

    I learned this week during an Asian employee Group event that a coworker from Cambodia was born at a Refuge camp. Her family forced out of their country to eventually land in Providence Rhode Island in the poor section of town.

    8 months ago
  2. O.Christina

    Of having left a fixed key delusion behind, which possibly opened to be among all and being wanted instead of perceiving these delusions coming up again and again of being excluded at any possible situation, not trusting being thrown into the mirror of life could be steps to healing from it. To having been helped to stop and face it and find the courage to open the curtain and see if it is true was incredible support. It is not so easy for me to right now perceive about the what might be (in the sense of a learning result) but it feels it is a big relief and so hopefully for others concerned also. Like Don mentioned, avoiding falling back into this “painful and seemingly never-ending cycles of self-imposed misery”, stop touching the “Hot plate” will hopefully be the healthy result of this process. Deeply grateful for all the help along this long way. Thank you all, from my heart, and blessings to you all.✨🙏✨

    8 months ago
  3. Don Jones

    When I move aside from the self-centeredness – even if it is only a little step to the side, I see things I have been incredibly blind to. And those seemingly never-ending cycles of self-imposed misery become obvious. When it becomes obvious that putting my hand on the hotplate is painful, I stop doing it.

    8 months ago
  4. Antoinette

    I have learned that I’m blessed and the universe has my back- and front ! That the universe is me and that we were never apart. Sometimes I forgot and fall on my face, but I’m grateful that I even got a little glimpse of this!

    8 months ago
  5. null

    It’s not effort that wears me out but the way that I think about that effort

    8 months ago
  6. Barb C

    I had an aha about a relationship that seems challenging for my work team and I. I realized that while we view this as the other person not trusting us and our knowledge and intention, it’s also the case that we don’t trust him and that’s being communicated. If we can build a foundation of trust we can recover from missteps along the way.

    This insight came as a result of thinking about how I build trust and a sense of belonging in a team that has had several new people join recently. This means role adjustments and we have more new people to come in the next few months. It’s exciting to grow! And also a challenge for me as a leader and manager. I’m doing my homework to remind myself of management principles and approaches that are suited to a bigger team.

    8 months ago
  7. Charlie T

    Some of the things I’m learning, it
    seems I’ve learned before. Maybe
    the main thing I’ve learned lately,
    is that being present is enough.
    Also, did you know that Peacocks
    are sometimes used to keep the
    Rattlesnake population in control?
    They will kill Rattlesnakes! How did
    I not know this?! And I learned
    something else, they are actually called
    peafowl. The males are Peacocks (duh)
    and the females are Peahens, but
    the best part is, a group is called a Party.
    Now you know. Your welcome 😁

    8 months ago
    1. Michele

      I have them in my neighborhood – thank you for the rattlesnake info, did not know that. From my experience, they have different sounds they make – a honk and a sound between a cat’s meow and baby. The 3 babies I saw now look like ‘teenagers’ as I call them. I’m grateful to share my neighborhood with them.

      8 months ago
    2. Don Jones

      On this side of the world, we don’t have rattle snakes (well, not the slithering type). We have Taipan’s, Eastern Brown’s and Red-bellied Blacks. None of which you want to upset because they are some of the most venomous in the world. But the good news is, they don’t think much of human company and prefer to stay out of our way. But the sharks and crocodiles on the other hand …

      8 months ago
      1. Michele

        Here in Fl we have both gators and pygmy rattlesnakes.

        8 months ago
      2. Charlie T

        Ha! Rattlesnake are like most snakes,
        very misunderstood and would rather
        bask in the sun and be left alone.
        We do have plenty of sharks though,
        but thankfully no alligators or crocodiles
        around these parts.

        8 months ago
    3. Antoinette

      Haha 😂 awesome! Thank you !

      8 months ago
    4. Carol

      Love it, Charlie. You made my day!

      8 months ago
  8. Yram

    Friendships are precious.
    Sometimes organization is tough but results can be beautiful.
    It is rejuvenating to take breaks away from routine and environment.
    Hospitality goes a long way.

    8 months ago
  9. Nannette

    I guess I am learning that there is always somethingl new to learn….Life is full of surprises…and perhaps learning more about my self is key. You would think by this time in my life I would know myself (in my 7 th decade)…but no! there IS more….On with it! May each of you have a day filled with happiness of some kind.

    8 months ago
  10. Michele

    I have learned that today is National Dance Day – remember to have some fun in your life – dance around the house today! Join a dance group. I am forever grateful to having joined (later in life, not as a child) my Timoney Irish Dance family. I have made life-long friends and I loved my 11+ yrs dancing Monday nights. I miss them but we keep in touch via email/phone calls all the time:)

    8 months ago
  11. sunnypatti

    I’ve learned a LOT! Mostly about running a business in the community we’re in, and while it’s not really what I was expecting to learn, it has shown me that we have to continue doing what started this business if we want to be successful. And after a large luncheon yesterday with a big dealership in the city, I’m so grateful for the catering side of our business.

    8 months ago
  12. Joseph McCann

    I am an ever evolving being and continued learning is an integral part of the process.

    8 months ago
    1. Carol

      Joseph, I so love the word evolving. It indicates new horizons at any age and in any situation!

      8 months ago
  13. Carla

    I am currently learning grief and loss from a death by suicide is very different. I am reminded that time heals and this loss will take a longer span to heal. I’m grateful for the support I’ve found among all of you. May you have a restful weekend, however you spend it. 🌻💕

    8 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Dear Carla, it is 8 days to the date my brother died by his own hands 21 years ago. The grief lessens as do the myriad of questions surrounding suicide. Suicide also becomes very believable, not something that only affects others. I have known of many before and after my brother Michael. May you also have a restful weekend.

      8 months ago
      1. Carla

        Thank you Joseph. I am reminded of Henri Nouwen’s “wounded healer” teachings. In time we share the gifts of what we’ve learned from our painful experience(s).

        8 months ago
  14. EJP

    Life is not what happens to you, it’s how you react to what happens to you.

    8 months ago
  15. Kevin

    That there’s so much I still need to learn!

    8 months ago

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