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  1. J

    Definitely the interactions between humans on this 4th of July. The grouping of a culture.

    10 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    The weather has been all over the place today. Woke up to rain but I managed to fit in a nice nature walk near Narragansett Beach. I haven’t been there in a while and it is one of my favorite spots with high cliff ledges and a scenic ocean front away from the craziness of the beach this time of year. It was perfect with the sea roses in bloom and perfect amount of breeze on a hot and hazy afternoon.

    I needed this walk today and I knew it. I received news early this morning that my daughter is still struggling w/her addiction but safe right now. I know that I need to take care of myself also so I did. I am also so grateful as many have said today for this site. It is truly a blessing and I appreciate everyone’s reflections . Happy Forth of July!!

    10 months ago
    1. pkr

      Dear Robin Anne, you & your daughter are in my daily prayers. Please take care of yourself & be gentle with you.❤️🙏🏻

      10 months ago
      1. Robin Ann

        Thank you PKR, I appreciate your note : )

        10 months ago
    2. Nannette

      Robin Ann, Addiction is a terrible, terrible disease. Please know you and your daughter are in my prayers. I hope that in some way you can gain strength from the love that is present in this site. Continue to take care of yourself….

      10 months ago
      1. Robin Ann

        Thank you Nannette, I do gain strength being here. Thank you for your sweet note!

        10 months ago
    3. Diane

      My mother’s heart is with yours in prayer for you and your daughter Robin Ann. ♥

      10 months ago
      1. Robin Ann

        Thank you so much Diane : )

        10 months ago
    4. Joseph McCann

      Loving Kindness to you and yours robin Ann.

      10 months ago
      1. Robin Ann

        Thank you Joseph : )

        10 months ago
  3. Don Jones

    I am not sure that beauty awaits acknowledgement. I feel it is like Grace – always there, just waiting for me to be open to it.

    10 months ago
  4. Diane

    This morning’s daily reflection from Henri Nouwen is an answer of sorts for me: Entitled “The Preciousness of Life” Henri goes on to say:
    “It is not so difficult to understand why through all the ages, people searching for the meaning of life tried to live as close to nature as possible. ”

    I so agree. Nature speaks to us, if only we have ears to hear. The birds spoke to St. Francis, the trees to Native Americans, the river to Siddharta, he declares. And as so many of you have shared, there is such simple, yet profound beauty in nature. I love that so many of the responses reflect that. Thank you all so much…you have made my heart smile. 🙂 I think I will pay even closer attention to the beauty that is mine to acknowledge in each present moment.
    ~Abundant blessings to you all this day ♥

    10 months ago
    1. Diane

      I’d also like to wish my long time friend Pilgrim a blessed Prayer Tuesday……I hope all is well with you and your loved ones friend.

      10 months ago
  5. Dragon Lady

    My loving heart

    10 months ago
    1. Diane

      Such a beautiful response Skye. Sometimes I forget to acknowledge my own loving-kindness. I shall be sure to be mindful of that today.

      10 months ago
  6. Rabbit

    This morning on my walk I saw a bunny, a cardinal, and a robin all in one little spot of someone’s lawn. They were at peace with each other and seeing them was a beautiful joy.

    10 months ago
    1. Robin Ann

      I saw a bunny a little while ago too : )

      10 months ago
  7. pkr

    The peace & quiet, on this cool foggy morning while I sip my morning “cup of joe” is magical. There is abundant bird song too, which I love. Hearing the birds singing & chirping makes me feel close to the Divine.
    Happy Birthday to America…🎆🇺🇸🎇

    10 months ago
  8. sparrow

    I don’t know that beauty needs to be acknowledged at all,
    but when we see or feel,
    taste or hear something beautiful,
    a bond of gratitude and love
    is formed between what is beautiful
    and the acknowledger . . .
    the more we see beauty
    the more bonds of love and gratitude are created
    and the more our hearts are opened
    to things we never thought of as beautiful at all.
    Do you see where I’m going with this?

    10 months ago
  9. Barb C

    A big vase of flowers from our farmers’ market sits in the kitchen windowsill. Some of the flowers have started to dry out but the overall effect is still colorful, a burst of so many shades of pink. Outside the same window, a hanging basket with bright coral flowers and dangling green vines. In the living room, our cat, who can be a bit of a problem child at times but who has beautiful green eyes, a lovely trilling meow, and four white paws and vest to go with his brown-grey stripes. Outside the open window the air is cool, the birds are twittering, and my husband is watering the various pots and raised beds where I’m growing food for us and for the pollinators. Today I’ll harvest more herbs and greens and check the tomatoes, tomatillos, and varieties of peppers that are exploding with life.

    Yesterday I finished reading The Book of Delights by Ross Gay. When I started it, I began noting “delights” in my journal each day. These are moments of gratitude, too. He has The Book of (More) Delights coming out this year and I’m preordering.

    10 months ago
    1. Robin Ann

      Thanks Barb. I will have to look into that book! Something that I could use right now remembering delights and keeping a journal of them : )

      10 months ago
  10. Nannette

    This morning I am so thankful for time with my dog, Clancy. He is sleeping and dreaming next to me in bed…as I drink my tea and read todays question and comments. A year ago yesterday, we were told Clancy had four months to live “if we were lucky”. I could not believe that…I thank God and the Saints….he is still with us. He is healthy and happy and every morning, he is my companion after Peter gets up. No one knows how long any being has on this earth….that is not ours to know. Wishing everyone a good day- however you spend it. Peter and I are at home in the quiet of the hollow…nothing happening…but that is OK. We are given another day… what a gift!

    10 months ago
  11. Yram

    I acknowledge the quiet in this morning! I acknowledge how I received messages with the mute notifier off.

    10 months ago
    1. Diane

      Yram….I crave the quiet. And each morning I give thanks to God for bringing us to this new community where peace and quiet resides. I never take it for granted!

      10 months ago
  12. Charlie T

    I have deep gratitude
    for the beauty of the stillness
    and quiet of the cool grey dawn.

    10 months ago
    1. pkr

      Me too. Have a beautiful day Charlie T.

      10 months ago
  13. O.Christina

    I would like to add another reply. I would like to just go with the word for the day and say thank you from my heart for all which I was allowed to learn, to learn about deep seated fixed pain and fear through being helped to passing deep grief (not yet through but a good part, if I may guess). Still difficult, still deeply painful sometimes, still wishing there would be a way my heart would long for, in the same time trying to find back to hope and trust, but even so able to give in (hopefully) , if needed for the sake of others. To let go and to be free, which is a core value I hold for each and everyone but could not fulfill in crucial moments due to some trauma-based fixed inner clinging of the “I”. I am afraid, yes, I am sad, very much, and still, I am deeply grateful. This is to be acknowledged, an this is due to you all, to my teacher, to my beloved friends and to all of you dear ones I would give my deepest thanks for this incredible journey which I would have never been able to go alone.

    10 months ago
    1. Robin Ann

      I agree this site is a blessing!! Wishing you much peace O. Christina.

      10 months ago
  14. Michele

    My freshly cut lawns
    My siamese cat mug filled with my cup of morning coffee
    Seeing flags put out for 4th of July
    the peace and quiet – I know this will change around 830 tonight…🎆🎇🧨

    10 months ago
  15. Carol

    Beauty is one of those words that has many definitions. I share a Morning Med from 2017 based on poet David Whyte’s definition of beauty. I follow it with one of my poems that I have shared before.

    Morning Med Sep 12 2017 Beauty

    “Beauty is the harvest of presence.” David Whyte

    Good Morning, Many things occupy my mind this morning and I feel as if they need to swirl and hopefully unfurl into something I can actually hold and if necessary choose to let go. I say that because as my twelve step sponsor used to say, “When we know better, we do better.” This morning I’m struggling with what I think are facts, with information, but no sense of confirmation. It’s like making jello. Hot water, Cold water, stir and refrigerate. You have to give it time to gel, to come together. The word ‘come’ means ‘to be with,’ and so I come with self-compassion to this moment, and this moment, and…ultimately I know I will see its beauty because I am willing. That’s always been my job. I don’t have to fix myself, I just have to see because I know that greater self awareness, Christ Consciousness, the YES of the Universe, Enlightenment, Great Spirit (choose your handle) can and will rise in each and every one of us and in every situation if we are open and willing. Sometimes at night, I find my self questioning, questioning, questioning so I know I must get up in the morning and make the coffee and live my questions! As David Whyte says “Beauty is the harvest of presence.” Be still (Desist) and know that without knowledge and acceptance of self, life becomes a relentless treadmill. Beauty is always in the present moment.

    “What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery.” Thomas Merton

      CLEAR SEEING by Carol Ann Conner
















    10 months ago
    1. Laura

      “We never left the garden.” Lovely.

      10 months ago
    2. Nannette

      Thank you Carol, for sharing that beautiful meditation and your inspiring poem. I am taking it all in! Blessings to you.

      10 months ago
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