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  1. L

    I am inspired to engage in my world by practicing gratitude. It is so easy to let the negative get me down, from this day on, I will practice stopping and enjoying the moment, looking around and taking in my joy, and then moving on with the present. I am joyful as I think about the possibilities.

    12 months ago
  2. H

    Living gratefully inspires me to engage in the world in a playful and curious way. When I am grateful for all my experiences then I can look at things and be grateful for them no matter the situation or the outcome.

    12 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    I am very fortunate to work for a very diverse conscious company. As a white female I am a minority. I love this and grew up in a family that brought in exchange students into our homes and ultimately my parents adopted my youngest brother from S. Korea. Because of my upbringing and my work environment I am very grateful to learn and engage with employees, friends and family from all over the world. Plus I enjoy traveling as well and learning about many different cultures.

    12 months ago
  4. Antoinette

    Seems like to e answer is here already !

    12 months ago
  5. Barb C

    For me this goes back to my childhood, with my mother telling me that I was a very lucky child because many people didn’t have as much as I did (family, home, food, safety, parents who love each other). She conveyed the idea that I had an obligation to use what I’d been given to help others who weren’t so fortunate. This became a sense of civic responsibility and all my life I’ve been a volunteer and supporter of causes. In the last couple of decades I came to recognize my privilege and realized that was part of what Mom was describing although she didn’t have those words. I’m more explicit now in thinking that I have many, many things for which to be grateful and that those shouldn’t be advantages available only to those of us with white skin, or those born in this country, or those who don’t have a disability–so many ways in which the genetics I can take no credit for have made my life easier, and so many ways the institutions built by people like me have made other lives harder. I’m not personally responsible for the creation of those institutions, but if I don’t work to change them my gratefulness is beside the point.

    12 months ago
  6. luv-1-nutter

    By practice to pause – listen and let go.. remember how God describes Himself, by saying in so many ways, but one way in which He is describing himself, “Of splendor I am the splendid.” Whatever you do whatever you eat whatever you receive or give away do it as an offering to Me..

    12 months ago
  7. Carol

    It creates a perspective that not only wants to engage the world but feels a need to do so. It accents the positive and dissipates the negative. It challenges fear and encourages love. It leads one to compassion for self and others.

    12 months ago
  8. Charlie T

    By simply sitting here, pondering
    this question, listening to the
    morning sounds, and watching the grey
    dawn, I am engaging with the present

    12 months ago
  9. J

    2022 was a difficult year for me. I endured a lot of hardships, loss, grief. This lead me to feelings of hopelessness and extreme depression. But despite all that is happen, I am still here. I am still able to hear the voices and laughers of the ones I love, I am still able to keep up with my routine and rituals that ground me, I am still able to move my body in ways that feel good, I am still able to listen to music that deeply moves me, I am still able to experience all of my emotions, I am still able to be here, right now.

    12 months ago
    1. Michele

      Welcome to this wonderful grateful community:)

      12 months ago
    2. Robin Ann

      Hi Jenifer, I hope you find peace and comfort in this space. Welcome!

      12 months ago
    3. Joseph McCann

      Kindness and Peace to you Jenifer.

      12 months ago
    4. A
      Ana Maria

      Blessings to you Jennifer, I am so glad you are here, sharing your wisdom and your life experience. I am grateful to you.

      12 months ago
    5. Barb C

      Glad you are here!

      12 months ago
  10. Nannette

    Living gratefully does not inspire me to engage with the world.. Being grateful- showing gratitude is personal to me. I do not shout it from the hills. It is mostly internal…and in my actions towards the rest of the world…those that I interact with. I am inspored during this time of year…just watching everything grow…each day, a new flower emerges, more grass grows, and so do the weeds!! But how grateful I am…the air around me is clean and fresh. My cats and dog, and all the birds are living a happy life. I am surrounded by goodness…I do hope that something within me spills out to the world… a graciousness, a goodness, a caring…But..engaging with the world is not in the forefront of why I practice being grateful.
    This was an odd question for me…but hmmm perhaps I am the one who does not understand.
    Wishing you all a wonderful day. Blessings.

    12 months ago
  11. Rabbit

    Looking for beauty, especially in nature.
    Try to be kind and acknowledging kindness from others.

    12 months ago
  12. sunnypatti

    I don’t know that my gratitude practice inspires me to engage in the world, but I do think it’s a natural by-product.

    12 months ago
  13. Laura

    Living gratefully lifts me up to see all that is beyond my own cares. Once seen, I am moved to respond.

    12 months ago
  14. Joseph McCann

    To treat everyone I meet and all other human beings in the world with respect. All in this world know something I do not, and I can learn from that something. To treat all the other beings on this planet with respect also. All but the simplest breathe in, then out. The simplest also utilize oxygen. To treat the environment around me with great respect for providing a home that sustains. Last but certainly not least is to treat water with respect and reverence. Agua es Vida. Water is Life.

    12 months ago
    1. luv-1-nutter

      I practice a method of Madhu -nector and partha -the best of.. by only seeing the best quality in others..

      12 months ago
  15. EJP

    Living gratefully inspires me to give more to the world, live simply, expect less and enjoy every moment.

    12 months ago
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