April 20

What parts of my body might I be taking for granted? How might I shift this?

3 Reflections
April 19

In what ways have I changed or grown recently?

38 Reflections
April 18

What is an expression of thanks I have received that I continue to carry with me?

30 Reflections
April 17

How does viewing every moment as a gift change my perspective?

37 Reflections
April 16

What do I cherish?

43 Reflections
April 15

When was the last time I allowed myself to prioritize being instead of doing?

29 Reflections
April 14

What wisdom have I gained from the difficulties in my life?

40 Reflections
April 13

What connects me to a sense of the sacred?

43 Reflections
April 12

What are the blessings of this current season of my life?

49 Reflections